Macnas did it again, the masters of story-telling engaged and enchanted the people of Galway over the Halloween weekend. Inspired by the current conversations around climate change and habitat loss Macnas have created Alf, a 20m long x 5m high giant Newt. Newts are part of a group of ‘indicator species’, the health of their population serves as quite a good measure of the health of an environment.
Alf the Newt

“Alf is big, the show is big and the message is big” says Creative Director Richard Babington. “Turas Alf / Alfs journey explores big scientific concepts in a big spectacular way. After being displaced from his beautiful woodland home by human development and climate change Macnas invited the community of Galway to welcome a weary traveller who is feeling the effects of human development and climate change and needs somewhere safe to call home.”
Alf is a 20m long and 5m high giant, with incorporated lighting, soundtrack and special effects, that animated the streets and delight audiences, his first outing is Halloween 2024 in Galway with later trips planned further afield in November.
Accompanied by the Macnas Drummers, Macnas Brass, Macnas Youth Theatre and Macnas Stilt Ensemble across the city, comprised of performers and participants from Macnas’s year round education and public participation programme, this year’s spectacle was one to remember.